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A "string of dolphins" (Senecio peregrinus) is a popular succulent plant with leaves that resemble leaping dolphins. It can be a lovely addition to a bioactive terrarium, but you need to take some care to ensure that you are not placing it in an enclosure with animals that eat plants as it is mildly toxic. It also makes a wonderful hanging house plant. 

Plant type: Succulent, low maintenance


Originates: Native to arid reigons of Southern Africa.


Recommended habitat and enclosure: String of Dolphins will do well in a Grasslands BioActive enclosure. It can also be placed in a Desert BioActive enclosure, but on the cooler side. This plant is mildly toxic and should not be placed in an enclosure with animals that eat plants. 


Toxicity: This plant is mildly toxic and should not be planted in an enclosure with animals that might eat this plant such as a Bearded Dragon or Uromax. If your animal does not eat plants it will do just fine with this plant planted in its enclosure.


Mature size:  6” tall and with vines growing up to 3ft long.


How to keep this plant pruned: Trim this plant by pinching back the strings.


Sun Exposure: This plant requires plenty of bright light to thrive. A UVB, or bright LED will do the job. It does not want to be placed in the shade of taller plants in a BioActive terrarium. As a houseplant bright indirect sunlight is recommeded. Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves.


Humidity: String of dolphins is adapted to drier conditions, so maintain low to moderate humidity levels inside the terrarium.


Water requirements: This plant likes well draining substrate, like our Desert and Grasslands BioActive Substrare. It does not like its root to sit in wet substrate. Water when substrate becomes dry. 


Fertilization: If you're planting a String of Dolphins in your BioActive Substrates, no additional fertilization is required. Our substrate contains an array of organic ingredients that will provide your plant will all the nutrituin is could want. After 6 months  of growth, adding BioActive Supply's All Natural Fertilizer will replenish the organic ingredients in your enclosure.

String of Dolphins 3" pot

Only 3 left in stock


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